{{indexmenu_n>6}} ====== 파이프, 스위치 그리고 컨텐츠 ====== 파이프는 정보를 유통하는 관을 말합니다. 스위치는 정보를 선택하여 진행할지 말지와 진행할 파이프를 결정합니다. 권력은 파이프 보다는 스위치에서 나옵니다. 스위치를 통해서 사적인 힘과 공적인 힘은 모두 정보에의 접근을 통제하고 정보를 감시할 수 있게 됩니다. 파이프와 스위치의 구조는 자연법칙에 따라서만 형성된 것은 아닙니다. 스위치를 가진 사람의 권력과 법에 따라 형성되는 측면이 강합니다. 네트워크와 장비 등이 기능하는 방식 나아가 표준과 기술이 정해지는 과정이 투명해야 하는 이유도 여기서 발견할 수 있습니다. ===== 미국 규제 역사 ===== * Wu, Tim, [[https://ssrn.com/abstract=965860| A Brief History of American Telecommunications Regulation]]. Oxford Encyclopedia of Legal History, 28 Feb 07 * Broadly speaking, the regulations have been of three main types: 1) common carriage requirements; 2) interconnection requirements; and 3) scarcity management ===== 유선전화 ===== * David J. Wallace,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/100m/europe-phone-charges-again.html| Changes in Phone Service Are Mixing Up Net Issues in Europe]], New York Times, April 8, 1999 * Previously complacent regional telecommunications companies in Europe now are able to compete across an entire continent, fostering competition on phone rates and reshaping the related issue of Internet use * Edmund L. Andrews,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/98/11/biztech/articles/02net.html| Internet Users In Germany Protest High Phone Rates]], New York Times, November 2, 1998 * German customers pay $1.10 to $2.90 an hour for local telephone service on top of Internet access fees that run about $2 an hour. Heavy Internet users can easily run up telephone bills exceeding $100 a month. * Seth Schiesel,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/98/04/biztech/articles/11phone.html| FCC Urges That Internet Phone Service Be Fee-Based]], New York Times, April 11, 1998 * You don't want anyone getting a competitive advantage or disadvantage based on the regulatory treatment of the technology they are employing. ===== 무선전화 ===== * Edmund L. Andrews,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/wireless/europe-rush.html| Rush Is On in Europe for Wireless Data Services]], New York Times, July 27, 1999 * The conflicting standards have slowed things down considerably * Seth Schiesel,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/02/biztech/articles/15cell.html| 'Holy War' Over the Future of Wireless]], New York Times, February 15, 1999 * (The) process is being threatened by a general reluctance to compromise on arcane technical standards and in particular by intransigence on the part of Ericsson of Sweden and Qualcomm Inc., of San Diego, two big communications manufacturers that have feuded for years. * Sheryl WuDunn,[[http://www.nytimes.com/1999/07/27/business/next-stage-of-the-cellular-tour-forced-to-compete-japan-becomes-a-global-power.html?pagewanted=all| Forced to Compete, Japan Becomes a Global Power]], New York Times, July 27, 1999 * Moreover, as in Europe, they have leaped into the digital era under the umbrella of compatibility -- unlike in the United States, where competing technologies have actually stifled the advance of seamless and ubiquitous communication. ===== 케이블 ===== * Bob Dole,[[http://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/27/opinion/giving-away-the-airwaves.html| Giving Away the Airwaves]], March 27, 1997 * In just a few days, the F.C.C. is going to give away the first broadcast licenses for digital television to broadcasters for absolutely nothing. * Bill Carter,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/barbecue/tv-station-ownership.html| F.C.C. Eases Limits on TV Station Ownership]], New York Times, August 6, 1999 * The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to relax rules that have limited television station ownership for most of the century, allowing for the first time a single company or network to own two separate stations in the nation's largest cities. * The Associated Press, [[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/barbecue/08web-broadcast.html| Major Broadcasters Form Alliance to Provide Wireless Web Content]], New York Times, March 8, 2000 * Because digital TV signals require less capacity than traditional broadcasts, the new spectrum allocated to each station for digital TV has enough room to carry more than one program at a time or additional content such as iBlast's proposed downloads from the Web. * Patricia Nelson Limerick,[[http://www.nytimes.com/2000/05/07/business/business-of-forty-niners-oilmen-and-the-dot-com-boom.html| Of Forty-Niners, Oilmen and the Dot-Com Boom]], New York Times, May 5, 2000 * In short the sociable man is lost in the money-seeking gold-hunting selfish acquisitive miser and conniving millionaire * William Safire,[[http://www.nytimes.com/2000/10/09/opinion/essay-spectrum-squatters.html| Spectrum Squatters]], New York Times, October 9, 2000 * U.S. taxpayers, who invested $70 billion of spectrum value in broadcasters to get free digital TV, are forced to wait for decades. * Steven Labaton,[[https://www.nytimes.com/learning/students/pop/001024qodtuesday.html | Communications Lobby Puts Full-Court Press on Congress]], New York Times, October 24, 2000 * The measures would relax restrictions that have made it impossible for AT&T to expand further in the cable industry. They would save the regional Bell companies billions paid to local carriers that some rivals and groups say would be shifted to Internet users. And they would kill a plan to create hundreds of new low- power FM stations for churches, schools and community groups. * Stephen Labaton,[[http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/20/business/appellate-court-eases-limitations-for-media-giants.html| Appellate Court Eases Limitations for Media Giants]], New York Times, February 20, 2002 * A federal appeals court handed a huge victory to the nation's largest television networks and cable operators today, ruling that the government had to reconsider sharp limits on the number of stations a network can own and striking down the regulation that had restricted cable operators from owning television stations. * Wiebke Loosen,[[http://www.firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/977/898| The Second-Level Digital Divide of the Web and Its Impact on Journalism]], First Monday, August 2002. * This discussion will focus on the varied economic and technical aspects that will strongly influence the quality of the Web - which can be called a 'second-level digital divide' - search engine, cross-media synergy * Stephen Labaton,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/cable-mergers/fcc-cable.html| AT&T Benefits as F.C.C. Eases Curbs on Ownership in Cable TV Industry]], New York Times, October 9, 1999 * The new rules clear the way for AT&T to own more than a third of the nation's franchises offering subscribers television, telephone and high-speed Internet services * John Markoff,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/110597microsoft.html| Microsoft Ready to Invest $1 Billion in US West Cable Business]], New York Times, November 5, 1997 * Microsoft's push into cable is causing alarm among its competitors, who fear that the software giant is intent on translating its dominance of the PC world into a similar position in digital television and the Internet. * Bill Carter,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/sumups/networks-yearahead.html| TV Networks Confront Need for Radical Change]], New York Times, January 2, 1999 * More than ever, the real value of the network business resides in owning stations. The networks want to own more, and they will continue to press the Federal Communications Commission to change the current limits so they can buy more. * Sam Howe Verhovek,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/02/biztech/articles/15net.html| AT&T Fights for Control in Struggle Over Internet Access]], New York Times, February 15, 1999 * They believed AT&T would have a monopoly on cable access to the Internet and should instead be forced to open the cable lines to other Internet service providers, much as the telecommunications giant was once required to lease its telephone lines to competing long-distance carriers. * Jeri Clausing,[[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07E4DA163BF937A25757C0A96F958260| Internet Providers' Demands on High-Speed Data Rejected]], New York Times, April 14, 1999 * Senator McCain rejected calls from Stephen M. Case, chief executive of America Online Inc., and others that cable companies be forced to open their networks to competitors for high-speed data, or broadband, services. * Seth Schiesel,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/04/biztech/articles/26att.html| News Analysis: Tasty Morsels and Digestive Challenges for AT&T]], New York Times, April 26, 1999 * AT&T, with its superior financial power, will scare off Comcast and win Mediaone -- if regulators allow it. That would make AT&T the nation's No. 1 cable television company, in addition to the nation's No. 1 long-distance telephone carrier. * Seth Schiesel, [[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/cable-mergers/att-mediaone-msoft-talks.html| AT&T Is in Talks With Microsoft on a Wide-Ranging Alliance]], New York Times, May 6, 1999 * Microsoft is to invest about $5 billion in AT&T, perhaps in exchange for some sort of preferred stock in AT&T, according to executives close to the talks. AT&T would also agree to use Microsoft's software in its integrated packages of voice, video and data service. * Steve Lohr,[[http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/05/biztech/articles/07cable.html| In AT&T Deal, Microsoft Buys Stake in Future of Cable TV]], New York Times, May 7, 1999 * Broadband is a fat digital pipe to the home, and Microsoft desperately wants to be at end of that pipe. * Seth Schiesel,[[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9506E6DF1E3CF934A35756C0A96F958260| AT&T Conjures Up Its Vision for Cable, but Can It Deliver?]], New York Times, May 7, 1999 * the main technical challenge for AT&T and for the customers it wants to serve is that AT&T is trying to get cable television networks to do things that they were never meant to * Stephen Labaton,[[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A06E3DB1539F930A2575BC0A96F958260| Internet Fight for Access to AT&T's Cable Lines Creates Unusual Alliances]], New York Times, August 13, 1999 * Led by America Online and G.T.E., a coalition of Internet service providers and other telephone companies have mounted a nationwide campaign to force AT&T to let cable customers use Internet providers other than Excite@Home without additional fees. * Eben Moglen,[[http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/my_pubs/attmediaone.html| The Big Deal: Why AT&T and Microsoft are MediaOne]], June 1999 * This process, in which the World Wide Web becomes television, is the grand goal of the ``high-speed Internet for the home" you are hearing about. * Federal Communications Commission,[[https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-00-341A1.pdf| Implementation of Section 304 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Further Notice of Propose Rulemaking And Declaratory Ruling]], September 18, 2000 * We address the narrow question of whether the inclusion of some measure of copy protection within a host device violates the separation requirement of the Commission’s navigation devices rules. As discussed below, we find that it does not. * 김영주, [[http://kafil.or.kr/?p=321&cat=6| 9-1 방송통신의 융합과 미디어 산업에 대한 진입규제,]] 정보법학 9권 1호(2005) * 전기통신사업법상 VOD서비스는 부가통신서비스로서 신고만으로 누구라도 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 반면, 방송법은 이를 방송의 일종으로 해석할 여지가 있고 이 경우 종합유선방송사업자가 VOD서비스를 제공하려면 변경허가를 통하여 방송프로그램의 편성 및 채널 운용, 방송광고 등에 있어 별도의 까다로운 규제를 받게 된다 * [[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/15/opinion/free-tv-viewers-from-cable-box-fees.html?ref=todayspaper| Free TV Viewers From Cable Box Fees,]] The New York Times, SEPT. 15, 2016 * when it comes to cellphones, consumers can choose their wireless carrier and hardware separately. *David Shepardson, [[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-television-technology/fcc-approves-tv-technology-that-gives-better-pictures-but-less-privacy-idUSKBN1DG2XF|FCC approves TV technology that gives better pictures but less privacy]], Reuters, November 17, 2017 *The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to allow broadcasters to voluntarily use the new technology, dubbed ATSC 3.0, which would allow for more precise geolocating of television signals, ultra-high definition picture quality and more interactive programming ===== Voice Over IP ===== * Ben Charny, FAQ:[[https://www.cnet.com/news/faq-demystifying-voip/| Demystifying VoIP]], C|Net News.com, Aug. 11, 2005 * Ronna Abramson,[[http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/tech/software/10240538.html| Microsoft Acquires VoIP Firm]], TheStreet.com, Aug. 31, 2005 * Competitors Google and Yahoo, as well as Microsoft are increasingly linking Internet technologies for search and communication to capture a greater share of users' time on the desktop, * Anne Broache,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/ebay-to-nab-skype-for-2-6-billion/| eBay to nab Skype for $2.6 billion]], C|Net News.com, Sept. 12, 2005 * eBay hopes to integrate the service with its e-commerce operations, allowing buyers and sellers to communicate through VoIP * Marguerite Reardon,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/voip-providers-band-together/| VoIP providers band together]], C|Net News.com, Nov. 2, 2005 * Voice over IP has the potential to revolutionize the way we all communicate, providing high-quality, low-cost alternatives to traditional phone lines * Anne Braoche,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/senators-back-net-phone-reprieve/| Senators back Net phone reprieve]], C|Net News.com, Nov. 2, 2005 * FCC regulations adopted in May set a Nov. 28 deadline by which Net phone operators must re-engineer their systems to connect users to the enhanced 911 network * Declan McCullagh & Anne Broache,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/wiretap-rules-for-voip-broadband-coming-in-2007/| Wiretap rules for VoIP, broadband coming in 2007]], C|Net News.com, Sept. 26, 2005 * It is clearly not in the public interest to allow terrorists and criminals to avoid lawful surveillance by law enforcement agencies by using broadband Internet access services, * Declan McCullagh,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/fbi-net-wiretapping-rules-face-challenges/| FBI Net-wiretapping rules face challenges]], C|Net News.com, Oct. 24, 2005 * The FCC simply does not have the statutory authority to extend the 1994 law for the telephone system to the 21st century Internet, * Leslie Cauley,[[http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/telecom/2005-06-20-voip-usat_x.htm| VoIP no bargain for cities losing phone-tax revenue]], USA Today, June 20, 2005 * Cities have long depended on telecom taxes to help pay for everything from sewer lines to teachers' salaries. Internet telephony, considered an "information service," operates largely tax-free. * Lewis Page,[[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/12/nsa_offers_billions_for_skype_pwnage/| NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution]], The Register, February 12, 2009 * A billion or two from the NSA for a backdoor into Skype might make the acquisition seem like a sensible idea. * Paul Meller,[[http://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/277460/skype_calls_immunity_police_phone_tapping_threatened| Skype calls' immunity to police phone tapping threatened]], IDG News Service, February 23, 2009 * The purpose of Eurojust's coordination role is to overcome "the technical and judicial obstacles to the interception of Internet telephony systems * John Leyden,[[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/21/skype_plugs_android_privacy_flaw/| Skype plugs Android privacy flaw]], The Register, April 21, 2011 * The update plugs a hole that created a possible mechanism for third-party apps to get access to private data (name, phone number, chat logs etc) held on the Skype directory on Android devices. ===== 지방자치 브로드밴드와 Wi-Fi mesh network ===== * John Markoff,[[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9504EEDC1F31F937A35750C0A9649C8B63| The Corner Internet Network vs. the Cellular Giants]], New York Times, March 4, 2002 * Modeled closely on the original nature of the Internet, which grew by chaining together separate computer networks, the technology -- known as wireless mesh routing -- is being rapidly embraced in the United States as well as in the developing world, where it is viewed as a low-cost method for quickly building network infrastructure. * [[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6570011| Lobbyists try to kill Philly wireless plan]], MSNBC News, Nov. 23, 2004 * Regional and long-distance phone companies, who sell broadband Internet to consumers and businesses, have in recent months intensified a national campaign to quash municipal wireless initiatives * Declan McCullagh,[[http://news.com/Philly%2C+Verizon+reach+accord+on+city+Wi-Fi+plan/2100-7351_3-5473112.html| Philly, Verizon reach accord on city Wi-Fi plan]], C|Net News.com, Dec. 1, 2004 * municipal governments are permitted to go ahead with their projects if the local government "has submitted a written request" to the local telephone company, and if that company declines to offer the service. * Dianah Neff,[[http://www.cnet.com/news/hands-off-our-wi-fi-network/#%21| Hands off our Wi-Fi network]], C|Net News.com, Feb. 10, 2005 * the incumbent local exchange carriers want unregulated monopolies over all telecommunications. * Lawrence Lessig,[[https://www.wired.com/2005/03/why-your-broadband-sucks/| Why Your Broadband Sucks]], Wired, March 2005 * the government also should not act as the cat's paw for one of the most powerful industries in the nation by making competition against that industry illegal, whether from government or not. * Robert Weisman,[[http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/07/31/hub_sets_citywide_wifi_plan/| Hub sets citywide WiFi plan]], Boston Globe, Jul 31, 2006 * Boston's plan would seek to promote competition between any number of Internet service providers that would piggyback on the network and offer access through their sites. * Matt Hamblen,[[http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,138237-c,wireless/article.html| Three Minutes With MuniWireless.com's Founder]], Computerworld, Oct 13, 2007 * We wouldn't have the private sector build all the roads, and Wi-Fi is similar. * New America, Ethos Group,[[https://static.newamerica.org/attachments/3996-the-philadelphia-story/NAF_PhilWireless_report.4788db6ce85742749096ba175851e676.pdf| The Philadelphia Story: Lessons from a Municipal Wireless Pioneer]], newamerica.net, Dec 11, 2007 * WP would have been more effective if it had assumed ownership of the network * Stephen Lawson,[[http://www.nytimes.com/idg/IDG_002570DE00740E18882573B5007AC5BA.html| Wi-Fi Mesh Lights Up Mecca for Hajj]], IDG/NYT, Dec 19, 2007 * A network of about 70 meshed routers from Tropos Networks has been set up to provide free Internet connectivity * Michael Liedtke,[[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22503790/| Startup promises free wireless web in SF]], Yahoo News, Jan 4, 2008 * by persuading thousands of San Francisco residents to set up free radio repeaters on their rooftops and in their homes. * Jordan Miller,[[http://www.mlive.com/news/annarbornews/index.ssf?/base/news-5/120262924020400.xml&coll=2| Downtown Ypsilanti gets wireless network]], Ann Arbor News, Feb 10, 2008 * The signals are then bounced back and forth through mini-routers located at other area businesses. * Ian Urbina,[[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/22/us/22wireless.html?em&ex=1206331200&en=e8d7d3888e627d49&ei=5087%0A| Hopes for Wireless Cities Fade as Internet Providers Pull Out]], New York Times, Mar 22, 2008 * The entire for-profit model is the reason for the collapse in all these projects * [[https://www.fcc.gov/general/national-broadband-plan| FCC's National Broadband Plan]], March 17, 2010 *Rafe Needleman, [[https://www.cnet.com/news/unbreakable-mesh-networks-are-in-your-smartphones-future/|Unbreakable: Mesh networks are in your smartphone's future]], Cnet, July 13, 2012 *the global growth of smartphones -- all are handheld computers easily capable of supporting mesh networking stacks -- should lead to a global infrastructure shift, in which these handsets become a bigger part of the infrastructure itself, not just clients on it. * Esme Vos, [[http://muniwireless.com/2016/02/03/city-owned-fiber-better-model-for-cities/| City-owned fiber plus private sector service providers: a better public broadband model for cities?, ]]MuniWireless, February 3, 2016 * The “shared risk” model where the city pays for and owns the broadband infrastructure and leases out capacity to service providers is more appealing to residents and businesses * Matt Hamblen,[[http://www.computerworld.com/article/2538881/mobile-wireless/philly-eyes-options-if-earthlink-abandons-city-wi-fi-effort.html| Philly eyes options if EarthLink abandons city Wi-Fi effort]], Computerworld, Jan 29, 2008 * [[http://muniwireless.com/category/reports-2/| MuniWireless]], Reports on Municipal Wireless and Broadband Projects * Brian Fung, [[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/08/15/the-next-generation-internet-technology-that-could-supercharge-your-home-a-cold-calculating-look-at-the-reality-of-wireless-fiber/| ‘Wireless fiber’ could give us gigabit Internet speeds with no cables at all]], August 15, 2016, The Washington Post * What this amounts to is a convergence among Internet providers, where wireless companies are becoming much more like fixed broadband operators and vice versa * 이충신, [[http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/it/765838.html| 미래부, 공공와이파이구역 1020곳 추가 개방]], 한겨례, 2016-10-16 * 김현아, [[http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=JE31&DCD=A00503&newsid=01725286612818168| 5G 주파수 빨리 달라, 이통사 소물인터넷 진출 논란..ICT정책 해우소,]] 이데일리, 2016. 10. 30. * 이동통신 3사가 5G 서비스 추진계획을 발표했으며, SKT, 그린파워가 각 사물인터넷(IoT), 전기자동차 무선충전 주파수 수요, 학계와 국방부가 각 센싱, 국방 주파수 수요를 발표했다. ===== 인터넷 거버넌스 ===== * Klint Finley, [[https://www.wired.com/2016/03/politics-threaten-bold-plan-free-internet-us/| Politics Imperil the Bold Plan to Wrest the Internet From US Control,]] Wired, 03.15.16. * The US might not like giving China a seat at the international Internet table. But the alternative could be worse. ===== 망중립성 ===== * Wu, Tim, [[https://ssrn.com/abstract=388863| Network Neutrality, Broadband Discrimination]]. Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, Vol. 2, p. 141, 2003. * The principle achieves this by adopting the basic principle that broadband operators should have full freedom to “police what they own” (the local network) while restrictions based on inter-network indicia should be viewed with suspicion * Paul Kapustka,[[http://www.informationweek.com/verizon-says-google-microsoft-should-pay-for-internet-apps/d/d-id/1039324?| Verizon Says Google, Microsoft Should Pay For Internet Apps]], Information Week, January 5, 2006 * We have to make sure that they(application providers) don't sit on our network and chew up bandwidth * Marguerite Reardon,[[https://www.cnet.com/news/without-net-neutrality-will-consumers-pay-twice/| Without 'Net neutrality,' will consumers pay twice?]], C|Net News, February 7, 2006 * if broadband operators are charging Google and Amazon for the use of their network, then those costs will automatically get passed on to consumers, * Lawrence Lessig,[[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/a27bdb16-5ecd-11db-afac-0000779e2340.html| Congress must keep broadband competition alive]], Financial Times, Oct 18, 2006 * When you can charge content providers a premium for access to a premium internet, what incentive is there to improve the rest of the internet? * David Meyer,[[http://www.zdnet.com/article/bt-says-no-to-traffic-shaping/| BT says no to traffic shaping]], ZDNet.co.uk, Apr 12, 2007 * In 2005 Ofcom forced BT to open up access to its exchanges to other providers a practice known as unbundling. * Nate Anderson , [[http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20070709-neutral-net-needs-up-to-twice-the-bandwidth-of-a-tiered-network.html| A neutral ‘Net needs up to twice the bandwidth of a tiered network]], arstechnica, Jul 9, 2007 * doubling the peak volume of a network does not mean spending twice as much money as it cost to build the original network. * Mike Masnick,[[http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20070622/093628.shtml| Net Neutrality Debate Again Descends Into Shouting, Farce]], Jul 3, 2007 * Cade Metz,[[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/19/bittorrent_developers_hit_back_at_comcast/| BitTorrent busts Comcast BitTorrent busting]], The Register, Feb 19, 2008 * Comcast sends out a duped "reset flag" that breaks this peer-to-peer connection * Grant Gross,[[http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/213194/fcc_martin_comcast_blocking_widespread/| FCC: Comcast blocking was widespread]], IDG News Service, Apr 22, 2008 * Comcast's blocking of BitTorrent P-to-P (peer-to-peer) traffic appeared to happen when there wasn't network congestion * John Herrman,[[http://gizmodo.com/5391707/losing-net-neutrality-the-worst-case-scenario| Losing Net Neutrality: Worst Case Scenario - Net Neutrality Chart]], Gizmodo, October 28, 2009 * David Kravets,[[http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/04/net-neutrality-throttle/| Appeals Court Throttles Fcc’s Net Neutrality Authority]], Wired, April 6, 2010 * the FCC overstepped its bounds. * 정영철, [[http://kafil.or.kr/?p=820&cat=6| 인터넷접속서비스와 망중립성-사업자권한과 국가권력간 균형을 중심으로-]], 제14권 제2호, 2010. 08. 30 * 우리의 ISP 산업구조 하에서 혁신과 투자, 경쟁의 균형점으로서의 2009초안상의 6원칙은 현행법에 비록 명확하고 구체적인 문언으로 표명되어 있지는 않지만, 근본적으로는 이미 충분히 반영되어 있다. * Edward Wyatt,[[http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/09/business/media/09broadband.html?_r=1&ref=technology| House Votes Against ‘Net Neutrality’]], NY Times, April 8, 2011 * without the F.C.C.’s open Internet policy, broadband companies that also own content providers, like Comcast’s ownership of NBC, would be free to block the Web sites of competitors. * Rory Cellan-Jones,[[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13126777| Web creator's net neutrality fear]], BBC, April 19, 2011 * It may be that the openness of the internet, we should just put into law. * Grant Gross,[[http://www.pcworld.com/article/227247/fcc_chairman_defends_net_neutrality_rules.html#tk.rss_news| FCC Chairman Defends Net Neutrality Rules]], PC World, May 5, 2011 * The Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives the FCC authority to pass rules that apply to broadband providers * 정보통신정책연구원, [[http://www.msip.go.kr/cms/www/news/news/report/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2014/11/19/망%20중립성%20정책수립%20논의자료.pdf| 2011년 ~ 2013년 망 중립성 정책방안 수립 논의 자료]], * 주민영, [[http://www.bloter.net/archives/89654| 망중립성 ①가이드라인 탄생, 산통은 지금부터]], Bloter, 2011. 12. 27 * 망 중립성의 큰 원칙만을 재확인했을 뿐, mVoIP 차단과 망 이용대가 부과, 스마트TV 관련 내용 등 이해 관계자의 입장이 가장 첨예하게 부딪히는 사항에 대해서는 “논의를 지속하겠다”라며 판단을 유보 * 구본권,[[http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/opinion/argument/518346.html| KT, 삼성 스마트TV 인터넷 접속 10일 차단]], 한겨례, 2012 .2. 9. * 스마트티브이가 활성화될 경우 현재 인터넷티브이(IPTV) 대비 5~15배의 트래픽이 발생해 일반 이용자들의 피해가 우려된다 * 정윤희, [[http://www.zdnet.co.kr/news/news_view.asp?artice_id=20131204143227| 통신사 제한적 트래픽 관리 허용…m-VoIP는?]], ZDNet, 2013. 12. 4. * ▲투명성(트래픽 관리정보의 충분한 공개 여부) ▲비례성(트래픽 관리행위가 그 목적과 동기에 부합하는지 여부) ▲비차별성(망사업자-콘텐츠 제공사의 유사한 콘텐츠간 불합리한 차별 여부) ▲망의 기술적 특성 등 4대 기준을 제시 * 이민형, [[http://www.ddaily.co.kr/news/article.html?no=124274| 이통사는 ‘보이스톡’ 사용을 어떻게 제한할까]], 디지털 데일리, 2014. 11. 7. * 이통사는 자사 단말의 IP를 모두 보유하고 있으므로 특정 IP에 패킷을 보내는 것을 차단할 수 있다 * Rebecca R. Ruiz And Steve Lohr, [[http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/technology/net-neutrality-fcc-vote-internet-utility.html| F.C.C. Approves Net Neutrality Rules, Classifying Broadband Internet Service as a Utility,]] new York Times, FEB. 26, 2015 * Obamacare for the Internet * Cecilia Kang, [[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/15/technology/net-neutrality-fcc-appeals-court-ruling.html| Court Backs Rules Treating Internet as Utility, Not Luxury]], New York Times, JUNE 14, 2016 * oday’s ruling affirms the commission’s ability to enforce the strongest possible internet protections both on fixed and mobile networks that will ensure the internet remains open * Jon Brodkin, [[http://arstechnica.com/business/2016/03/zero-rating-by-major-isps-threatens-open-internet-advocates-tell-fcc/| Zero-rating by major ISPs “threatens open Internet,” advocates tell FCC]], Ars Technica, - Mar 28, 2016 * The commission's net neutrality rules don't specifically ban zero-rating, but they allow the FCC to stop implementations on a case-by-case basis if such ratings harm consumers or online content providers. * 강희종, [[http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2016053113451816801| 정부, "제로레이팅 요금제 막지 않겠다"]], 아시아경제, 2016. 5. 31. * 아직 전세계적으로 규제 체계가 확립돼 있지 않고 국내에서도 법적으로 문제가 없어 사업자가 원한다면 막지 않는다는 것이 기본 원칙 * Maeve Shearlaw, [[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/aug/01/facebook-free-basics-internet-africa-mark-zuckerberg| Facebook lures Africa with free internet - but what is the hidden cost, the guradian,]] 1 August, 2016 * Facebook could have supported any number of these without building a walled garden around the people who need it least * Joon Ian Wong, [[http://qz.com/742474/how-streaming-video-changed-the-shape-of-the-internet/| The internet has been quietly rewired, and video is the reason why, ]]Quartz, October 05, 2016 * It means the internet is evolving from being a peer-to-peer open standards network to being a proprietary set of, effectively, VPNs * Laura Wright, [[http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/crtc-review-differential-pricing-zero-rating-1.3603807| CRTC reviewing controversial 'zero-rating' in internet plans]], May 30, 2016 *If customers are funnelled to certain services, then the next Netflix, Spotify or Google won't be able to compete because it won't be able to afford to pay the telecoms to favour its services over others. * T.C. Sottek, [[http://www.theverge.com/2016/11/29/13774648/fcc-att-zero-rating-directv-net-neutrality-vs-tmobile| AT&T just declared war on an open internet (and us)]], The Verege, Nov 29, 2016 * the ISPs really don’t want to be “dumb pipes,” because there’s less money to be made when you just give people high-quality internet with no restrictions. *김인성, 통신사를 국유화해야 할 7가지 이유 [[http://www.vop.co.kr/A00001113384.html|(1/4)]] [[http://www.vop.co.kr/A00001114415.html|(2/4)]] [[http://www.vop.co.kr/A00001116029.html|(3/4)]] [[http://www.vop.co.kr/A00001117051.html|(4/4)]], , 민중의 소리, 2017-01-18~27 * 통신사들은 IPTV 망에 인터넷 방송국에 대한 진입을 허용하지 않았습니다. 통신사들은 IPTV 망을 자기들이 구축했다는 이유로 IPTV 메뉴를 자기들이 원하는 콘텐츠만 파는 곳으로 만들었습니다. *자체 데이터센터에 SKT, KT, LGU+ 각각 직접 접속을 하면 한 통신사에 장애가 생겨도 접속에 문제가 없을 뿐만 아니라, 각 통신사 가입자들의 서비스 속도도 높일 수 있다는 장점도 생깁니다. 하지만 통신사들이 직접 접속을 허용하지 않고 있는 탓에 결국 데이터센터 구축을 포기하고 말았습니다. *통신사들이 외국 서비스에게 특혜를 주는 것도 모자라 한국에 유치한 외국 기업에도 특혜를 주고 있는 반면 국내 기업은 통신사에게 이중 삼중으로 고통받고 있습니다. *비싼 국제망 사용료로 인해 해외 사용자의 국내 서비스 접속이 어려워 국내 인터넷 서비스는 글로벌화가 되지 못하고 있습니다. *김태균, [[http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2017/05/16/0200000000AKR20170516173300033.HTML?input=1195m|'글로벌 IT기업의 갑질인가'…페북 인터넷망 공짜사용 논란 확산]], 연합뉴스, 2017. 5. 17 *페이스북은 캐시서버를 이미 설치한 KT에는 망 비용을 내고 있지만, 현재 캐시서버 설치 방안을 협상하고 있는 SKB와 LG유플러스에는 유튜브의 전례를 거론하며 망 비용 면제를 요구하는 것으로 알려졌다. * 최민오, [[https://opennet.or.kr/14750|이미 폐지된 한국의 망중립성 망사업자만을 위한 상호접속고시]], 오픈넷, 2018. 5. 18. * 다양성에 기반하여 성장해온 인터넷에 존재하는 자율적 네트워크들의 상호접속 관계를 소수의 제한적인 항목들(망 규모, 가입자 수, 트래픽 교환비율)로 표준을 작성하고 이에 기반한 평가에 의해 형성되도록 강제한다는 것은 근본적으로 비합리적일뿐더러 ‘비인터넷적’인 시도다. ===== 스트리밍 비디오 ===== * 신재욱, [[http://www.lgeri.com/industry/etc/article.asp?grouping=01030400&seq=169&srchtype=0&srchword=| 사업 모델 바꾸기 시작한 유료방송, 미디어 시장 변화의 전조]], LG경제연구소, 2013. 11. 25. * 콘텐츠를 만들어내지 않는 사업자는 콘텐츠 외의 차별적인 가치 요소가 필수적이다. 이를 통해 가입자 기반을 확보해야 하고, 플랫폼 비즈니스 모델의 반대편에 있는 콘텐츠 사업자에 대한 협상력을 유지해야 한다. 유료방송의 위기는 이러한 선순환 구조가 점차 어려워지고 있기 때문이다. * 신재욱, [[http://www.lgeri.com/industry/etc/article.asp?grouping=01030400&seq=195&srchtype=0&srchword=| 글로벌 ICT 기업들의 ‘이유있는’ 콘텐츠 사업 확장]], LG경제연구소, 2016. 7. 20. * 첨단 ICT 기술과 플랫폼, 그리고 자본력을 무기로 콘텐츠 시장에 진입하는 기업들, 오랜 사업 경험과 네트워크로 이를 방어하려는 기업들. 뺏으려는 자와 지키려는 자 간의 경쟁은 이미 시작되었다 * Dara Kerr, Roger Cheng, Joan E. Solsma, [[https://www.cnet.com/news/leeco-the-apple-samsung-netflix-tesla-mashup-another-chinese-tech-giant-tries-its-luck-in-the-us/| LeEco who? Meet China's Apple-Samsung-Netflix-Tesla mashup]], Cnet, October 19, 2016 * If you were to take Apple, Amazon, Paramount Pictures, Tesla, Uber and Netflix and combine all of those companies, you get what LeEco does in China * 이서희, [[http://www.hankookilbo.com/v/9a70e3d2b7dd4e9f8350b4f5ebd3ae65| “모바일의 미래는 동영상” 플랫폼ㆍ콘텐츠 공룡이 탄생한 이유]], 한국일보, 2016. 10. * AT&T가 종합 미디어 기업 타임워너를 인수 * Joon Ian Wong, [[http://qz.com/742474/how-streaming-video-changed-the-shape-of-the-internet/| The internet has been quietly rewired, and video is the reason why]], Quzrtz, October 05, 2016 * It means the internet is evolving from being a peer-to-peer open standards network to being a proprietary set of, effectively, VPNs * Michael J, [[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/business/dealbook/swift-opposition-to-resurrection-of-att-giant.html| Swift Opposition to Resurrection of AT&T Giant, New York Times]], OCT. 23, 2016 * the idea driving the talks was that Time Warner could help AT&T build out its own video streaming service. That service, called DirecTV Now, is Mr. Stephenson’s response to the migration of consumers toward mobile and online video watching and away from traditional cable packages. * JONATHAN TAPLIN, [[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/opinion/forget-att-the-real-monopolies-are-google-and-facebook.html?em_pos=small&emc=edit_tu_20161213&nl=bits&nl_art=4&nlid=73631412&ref=headline&te=1| Forget AT&T. The Real Monopolies Are Google and Facebook]], The New York Times, DEC. 13, 2016 * Google and Facebook can achieve huge net profit margins because they dominate the content made available on the web while making very little of it themselves. ===== 스마트폰과 스위치 ===== * 이수호,[[http://news1.kr/articles/?2730085| 구글에 갇힌 韓게임"찍히면 죽는다" 구글 눈치보기 '급급']], 뉴스1, 2016. 7. 27 * 다른 앱마켓 수수료가 싸다고 옮길 수도 없고 생존을 위해 구글생태계에 종속될 수밖에 없는 게 현실 * Horia Ungureanu, [[http://www.techtimes.com/articles/177778/20160915/south-korean-fintech-firms-to-file-nfc-complaint-against-apple.htm| South Korean Fintech Firms To File NFC Complaint Against Apple]], Tech Times, 15 September 2016 * Apple offers NFC support on its smartphone models (starting with the iPhone 6), but requires that the feature be used exclusively with Apple Pay * Steven Musil, [[https://www.cnet.com/news/alphabet-eu-fine-over-antitrust-issues-google-phone-android/| Alphabet may face large EU fine over antitrust issues]], C|Net, October 3, 2016 * Google requires manufacturers to preinstall its own search service and its Chrome browser, prevents them from selling devices running on competing versions of Android * 최재홍, [[http://slownews.kr/59019| 스마트폰 앱의 선탑재에 대한 문제와 대응]], 슬로우뉴스, 2016-10-20 * 구글의 앱을 반드시 설치해야 하는 것은 아니다. 아마존이나 중국의 수백 개 앱스토어는 구글 앱이 없이도 제품을 내놓는다.