=== WikiLeaks Will Help Tech Companies Fix Security Flaws, Assange Says === * SCOTT SHANE, DAVID E. SANGER and VINDU GOEL, [[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/09/us/wikileaks-julian-assange-cia-hacking.html?em_pos=small&emc=edit_tu_20170310&nl=bits&nl_art=0&nlid=73631412&ref=headline&te=1|WikiLeaks Will Help Tech Companies Fix Security Flaws, Assange Says]], The New York Times, MARCH 9, 2017 * A new RAND Corporation study concludes that these “zero day” exploits, and the vulnerabilities they are based on, last longer than most thought. It found that the average vulnerability had a “life expectancy” of 6.9 years before it became useless to hackers. \\ \\ \\ {{tag>뉴스}} ~~DISCUSSION~~